Hi Everybody! Im made an Apartment for my Paris Map, please rate it. Here:
It lacks details, it’s need decor to it.
I found when I first started 3D modelling that dimensions and details can be tricky. If you want an easy reference you should use Google Maps. Find some buildings you like and alternate between Street View and 3D View to understand the dimensions and layout of the buildings. You’ll notice some common things: if a building has a sidewalk cafe the tables are almost always on private concrete… with the city owned sidewalk in front of that, then curb, then road. You’ll notice “private” property in front of a hotel (some potted plants, different color walkway) followed by city property like trees, walkways, roads, and other stuff.
Interiors are trickier but if you want any realism you must allow more space in your design for the boring parts like kitchen, public bathroom, etc. Even if those rooms aren’t used in game, a building without the space for them will be lacking.
Lack of detail. 4 out of 10, the colors are too bright for Paris. Paris has more of that brownish old style.
Thank you very much for your solution.
3/10 and that’s because it’s lacking key details. Such as a roof, color choice, and overall flatness. I recommend maybe adding balconies, shutters, and frames that surround the buildings edges. Keep it up
Hey, ProGamerKuzey_C.
Good work so far on this build!
However, I do have some suggestions:
Instead of the windows being on the outside of the building, you should try making them on the inside. This would give more depth to the build as a whole.
Also, I would try adding exterior depth too, following realistic French designs. Sometimes they like to put a lot of decoration around window frames.
Reference image:
You might want to change the shading around with your building, just so it is less of the same colour.
The reference image above, has 2 main colours. A light cream colour, and an ordinary cream.
You might want to do a similar thing with this, including the windows? (if you decide to take my advice).
Hopefully my feedback helped in some sort of way, have a good day!
My personal opinion:
I think you should change the colours up a bit more to add detail, so that skirting board we see at the bottom, change it to a darker red, maybe try adding textures for extra detail.
I’m not a giant fan of the windows, try changing them up a little bit.
Add shrubs and trees on the outside! Who doesn’t like a bit of green?
Good luck!
Hey, I suggest yout to change the color of the building to fit the Paris architecture.
Select the concrete material and pick this color.
You should also add more details to the building it self because right now it look like a basic building. Add fences to the windows. You could maybe achieve this result!
Good luck
It’s a good base building. Try adding exterior details such as Juliet Balcony’s, Window Ledges, Plants or rendering (render as in cladding for exterior) but always make sure it fits in with the rest of your map as you don’t want to spend hours on a building that looks like it doesn’t fit in (unless you are going for that luck) Keep up the good work!
I think it looks too much l like a rectangle.
On this picture:
It actually looked decent. However, the use of color isn’t very good here.
But then going up the building, it looks way too square, you should add a different roof design which spices up the building.
Thanks! I will use this color on my buildings!
I’d give a 4/10
A lot of buildings in Paris include some roofs that are not plain flat, especially since many apartments in Paris looks like it has some history to it. I also think that you should change the buildings color to peach, and give the roof a dark green color. You could also add balconies and maybe a single pot of plants placed next to the main entrance.
You could do some research on how the exterior of apartments in Paris look like.
Here are some examples: