Is it good to detect trolling?

I personally do not believe it is a good idea as there are many reasons why people rejoin that have nothing to do with trolling, for example, having a bad internet connection.

I got an idea, you could make it similar to the game : cs:go where if a player disconnects and they come back to the game, they have an option to rejoin the server and continue playing in the team game, and or if they leave, there will be a cooldown until the player can play the game again.

If they disconnect and don’t rejoin within, for example, 5 minutes, you could make it that counts as fully leaving the game as well.

That way, if they disconnect because of their poor internet, they can rejoin. And on top of that, people will rethink before the fully leave the game as they will have a cooldown.

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I wouldn’t implement a system like this because you will get a lot of false positives. People will be getting incorrectly banned for disconnecting the game by accident. The only time I would ban someone whether it be temp ban or fully ban is when you are certain they did something wrong.

Instead of banning people I would limit the players ability to do something. For example if a player leaves a match early you could give them no points for that match. You could maybe send out a vote to the remaining players in that match to end it early.

that i already have, but this will not stop trollers

bad idea, bec trollers will have even bigger motivation

but i also got idea to boost players, when someone leave, so hp of player, that left will be added to other players from his team (higher hp = higher increse) and damage same

or when the person leaves, the hp is spread equally among all players in that team.

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I would try to be pretty loose on your moderation on your game, because if you are too harsh it will just result in a loophole where trollers come back on different accounts every time they get banned in games like Frappé.

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Don’t ban the player, take something off them like credits as a punishment for leaving.

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I strongly disagree with this. If you want to mitigate this behavior I’d consider other solutions. I personally have a very bad internet connection and used to rejoin frequently to clean up memory leaks, thread leaks, etc before I had the specs to handle even relatively minor issues (every little bit counted for me).

Here are a few ideas that I would consider:

  1. Players who rejoin will be sent to the previous server and automatically assigned their previous team (not allowing them to switch servers). This would be annoying if they are trying to get away from an obnoxious player.
  2. Assuming this will not impact gameplay, teams can be reshuffled when necessary.

These aren’t perfect but will lead to a better user experience as well as reducing the negative impacts on gameplay caused by players leaving. Even when a player cheats punishing is usually never a good solution in my experience since it can lead to a bad user experience and mistakes happen a lot. I’ve fallen victim to multiple account breaches, impersonation, false bans, etc with no way to defend myself.

(Somewhat off topic I suppose, but one of my personal worst experiences as an example of what I mean is when my MC account was breached and I was banned on Hypixel during a time of inactivity. They have a one appeal only policy and it was denied within half an hour. The only reason it was bad was because I had mounds of proof and after weeks of nagging support I got someone to indeed confirm my account was “logged into from multiple countries” and I’ve yet to have my account unbanned. If you’d like the story for whatever reason feel free to message me)

And to be honest I understand a lot of people will disagree with my personal stance but that’s okay I guess
 My reasons are somewhat personal.

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I had this idea, but the problem is, when player has no credit.