Is it good to detect trolling?

I had idea to make system, that will ban player for some time (for example 3 hours), when he 3 times (that means for example 3 times in 10 mins) join and leave game before its end (bec it is team game), but it is impossible to detect, how player leaved. So is it good idea to do this (bec it will also happen to players, that will lose wifi 3 times in 10 mins)?

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Leaving a game doesn’t really count as “trolling”.


how is rejoining even remotely considered trolling?

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When it is team game, it is trolling, bec some players can just join and leave so 1 team will have 1 player less.

You could store a table in a server script that holds a table of how many times each player has been kicked.

Every time someone is kicked, check their kicked value and if it is > 3 ban them

I kind of see what you mean but what if they are genuinely leaving the game or like you said, has bad internet.

I know how to make it from code side (in script, that i have for leaving, i compare, if player is dead, or he played for 5 mins, and when not, i add this time to datastore and everytime he join, i compare the time, if it was in 5 mins and when no, i delete it and when i ind 3 that were, i ban him), but my queston is, if it worth it banning also players, that have bad wifi

If the game gets popular it won’t really matter because other players will join just to fill in the server.

Take Big Paintball, for example. Any time teams are unbalanced, it takes 1 or 2 minutes for a player to join and get put in the smaller team to even it up

it will only fire, when player isnt dead and when he didnt play for 5 mins or he didnt anything, that show user activity

that is the problem

ROBLOX automatically kicks people after 20 minutes of inactivity whatsoever. You could shorten it to 10 or so… it’s up to your discretion

I want to make it unjoinable when game start, bec it will be boost, when almost dead player leave and player with full hp join, or when players will recive demage of players, that left, it will be unfair for new players

You could create a lobby kind of like “Survivor” where the game automatically makes matches.

I dont need this, i want to know, if it is good idea to give ban to players, that are making blank places in players table

I have lobby, that group players by messaging server based on their lvl and class, but this is off-topic

You’re asking a hypothetical question. I would doing so after 5-15 minutes, but it’s really up to you as the game owner.

If you make it so that if the player leaves within the first minute of the game more than three times, then they get banned, I think doing that could mostly avoid false bans.


I had also idea to put bans based on player activity, so when he leave in first minute, it will give him 1 point, when he leave in first 3 minutes, but have really good scoore, he will be ok, else it will give him 1 point, in five minutes, dealing 5k demage (but this value will be edited based on players weapons, so how many demage he can give) will be ok, … and every 2 match without getting point, he loose 1 point and for 3 points he will get ban for 3 hours, and he will have - and when he will have 3 points next time, it will ban him for 6 hours (3 hours for points and 3 for -) and it will delete the minus, when he will be best player of battle, and also he will loose - every 2 days and he will loose 1 point every hour, but idk if this is good idea

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Whelp you can make if Value >Number
And then do whatever you want
But player will be Angry if you do that
But you change change it into like “Your connection is weak. Pls Rejoin” they will not Be angry or else

I cant really see this system being of any benefit, but some players are bound to get annoyed. I wouldn’t implement this

idk, when i was playing some game, implementing this really helped me, but when i was on holiday, i also get banned (bec i totally dissconnected), but this was not roblox, so it had feature, that when the wifi is really low, it dissconnected me just from gameplay, but i was still there and the game was waiting for when i will get better internet, and then connected me back to gameplay, but roblox doesnt have this feature (it has it, but in streaming enabled (it isnt for this reason, but it can be used for it))