Is it necessary to call yourself a "Developer"

Hello, my name is Paul, I want to suggest something for the DevForum.

First, we know people who are sometimes not developers can join the DevForum, but is it necessary to go with the format for the Website Features category or other kinds of categories, “As a Roblox Developer it’s currently hard to…”
What about the Developer Forum users who aren’t developers, is it still descent to call themselves “developers”?

In my opinion, they should just change the format for the non-developers who want to make topics in this type of categories, because for the people who aren’t really developers are just calling themselves something they’re not.

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You can use “As a Roblox user” as well, that’s fine.

However, this is first and foremostly the “Developer” Forum, so we are not going to change the format since that would entice more non-developers into filing feature requests not related to development. The primary focus is development-related topics.


For one, buildthomas has a point, he’s right about the format though remember this is the Developer’s Forum and most of the people who joined this are developers so that’s why they should remain the format is it is.

I wouldn’t really see the problem will using ‘As a roblox user’ and I believe I have done in the past.

When im suggesting features if its development related I would obviously use ‘as a roblox developer’, but if its general feature that benefits everyone I would most likely use ‘as a roblox user’.

It fluctuates depending on the type of request.


It doesn’t have to be strictly a developer. I sometimes use as a translator or user and I honestly feel like most of my feature requests are for anything that isn’t related to traditional development.

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Surely you don’t actually need to exactly say “as a Roblox developer”. Anything following the same idea should most certainly be acceptable.