Is it possible to add something to this menu?

I wonder if it’s possible to add an option to this menu? I don’t want to remove these options instead add my own. Thanks!


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I’m not sure, I mean there’s a script that handles this but I’m unsure if it can be overwritten by a script.

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Maybe the keybinds, but… :man_shrugging:

Not sure as Roblox likes to make their GUI’s really high security. You can’t get the code from them.

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No, you can’t. That gui is placed at CoreGui. But you could clone that gui (copy/paste) and then disabling the menu. You will need to re-script the full menu. (So leaderboard effect will fail, so if you want that effect you know, you will need to re-script it.)


Roblox doesn’t really enjoy people messing with their GUI’s as far as I’m concerned. You could however make a GUI of your own that does that. Would require more work but if that’s what you’re looking forward to then you could to that. However I am still unsure if you are able to do what you want to do.