I was wondering if it’s possible to actually block a player in a game. Like, the user cannot leave, except, yeah, clicking the X button on computer or just close the Roblox app on mobile. But, the core buttons, can be blocked?
So I have some examples to prove that:
Example 1
So as you can see here this script may or may not block the Roblox Menu, which leaves to the leave game button:
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Escape then
--possible code
Example 2
The buttons have some BoolValues in them. After messing a bit with Roblox’s CoreGui, I managed to find them. Probably those can be edited through some scripts:
Example 3
This doesn’t have an image or proof, but the thing can be done, as many creepy pastas contain, crashing the player’s game (spamming some parts, I don’t know how this is done, etc.)
Maybe this is against the TOS rules, but please note, if an example works, I will contact Roblox to solve the problem! Also, this may or may not be related to development, but I want to hear your opinions.
so u mean like lag? in which a player can do anything except see the not responding text?. Its possible thought you can make a gui which is not close able and freeze the player . but i dont think its worth it .Other great option is banning the user!.If banned you can see a reason for your ban and a "leave " button
The only way I see of doing this is by spoofing your game to make the server believe it has a RobloxTrustedPlace PlaceId. This would give you higher permission BaseScripts 1, 3, 4, 5
Generally it’s a combination of bad UX and unethical practises to crash a client. Just kick them and move on, once a client is kicked, they’ve lost all connection to the main servers
It’s possible to do, but this has only happened with exploiting incidents (like the one on Meepcity).
However, why you would want to do this is not clear. I’m pretty sure your game could get content deleted for doing this.