Is it possible to change the position of the entire world?

Hello! So I’m creating a project and this requires things to be millions of studs away, and as many of you may already know whenever you go millions of studs away from 0 - 0 the world starts to go pixelated.

Is there any way to change the location of the game? I had a idea where I could move the entire positioning of the world to the center of the player at all times. (This is a single player game)

Are different places in a single game not good enough for this?

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Not really, I don’t want the game to have multiple teleports.

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Hmm, I don’t think a place has to be millions of studs away for it to not be rendered, or you could make a LocalScript where only the place you are at is in workspace and the rest could be moved to ReplicatedStorage so it gives the illusion of millions of studs away.

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That could possibly work, I need this for a space game where you can fly out to other planets.

Are you planning on making the player fly to it or a simple teleporter?

The player will be flying around the universe. Kinda like KSP if you’ve ever played that!

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I made a little concept on how you could make this, I don’t know if it will be useful or not.

The idea here is once the player leaves the render area you add a loading screen and teleport them to the nearest render area. Not sure if this is what you want to accomplish tho!

Edit note: it doesn’t have to be a loading screen, it could be a gui or anything to choose what planet you are going to.

You could use SetPrimaryPartCFrame() on the workspace whilst it has a PrimaryPart defined to it, which I believe should let you move the entire world.

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I might do something like that, you go half way to the planet or so then it teleports you to another place being that planet.