I’m trying to make a loading screen, where the size of the loading bar changes by a decimal place (by dividing the maximum size of the loading bar by the number of parts in the game).
So, the speed of the loading bar depends on the amount of parts in the game.
However, I noticed that I can only change the size of the loading bar by values greater than 1. I can only make the loading bar stay within it’s range by using decimal places (and to have it work accurately.)
Is there any way I can change the size of a loading bar through decimal intervals instead?
Sorry if this is confusing. This is the method I am using to change the size of the frame:
[frame].Parent.Size = UDim2.new(0, script.Parent.Size.X.Offset + [maximumSizeToPartRatio], 0, 19)
How size to part ratio is calculated:
for i, v in ipairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
partCount = partCount + 1
partRatio = realMax / partCount