Is it possible to clone a tool from a players backpack into RS (Replicated Storage)?

Hey! I’m implementing jobs into my game! Both of the jobs include delivering packages to locations. Once a players walk over the glowing circle (shown below) it will clone into replicated storage. I’m confused on how I can make the tools (packages) back to replicated storage, Is this possible? Not sure. Thanks for reading :+1:

Here is the solution to your question.

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
sword = game.ReplicatedStorage.Sword.Clone() -- find tool
sword.Parent = player.Backpack

Hope this helps!

Oh wait whoops I read the question wrong!

Here is the correct answer:

local playerbackpack = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
clonedsword = playerbackpack.Sword.Clone()
clonedsword.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage

I actually said my question in a bad way so let me edit my questions real quick, I already have the tools cloned into the backpack, just confused how to bring it back into RS when i touch a part

Why do you want to return it to the RS?
Just Destroy it and give the player some money, for example

You could destroy the tool and then relocate it.

Yes, But If i players end there shift and then wants to redo the job, there will be no packages to deliver.

Keep the tool in ServerStorage!

Why keep it in server storage?

Well because ServerStorage stores stuff for the game, and SCRIPTS cant be run in it.

then you can do

local tool = Character:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Tool")

if tool then
     tool.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage[PlayerFolder]
local playerbackpack = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
clonedsword = playerbackpack.Sword.Clone()
clonedsword.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage

Have a try with this.

You don’t have to clone it just move it

If you clone the tool into the players backpack then you can just destroy it

Well Clone has been mentioned in the title.

Maybe because he doesn’t know there is a way to transfer it

Instead of copying and destroying it

I dont want to destory it, I want to clone it

Well, what is your goal with this?

If you dont want the cloned part after or if you hit the button as mentioned in on the upper posts, you would have to destroy it anyway. An easy way of moving parts from one category to another is by simply cloning and destroying.

A player has a package that they have to deliver to a location. players get the package from pressing a button and the packages clone form RS to the backpack, If i destroy the tools, there will be no tools left in the players want to get more packages.

This means that if a player successfully delivers an order, you want it to remain in his bag