Is it possible to convert basic DataStore into OrderedDataStore

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? convert basic DataStore into OrderedDataStore so i can display leaderboards between servers

  2. What is the issue? issue is that i dont fully understand if i need from the start create ordered data store or i convert it

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? i read a lot of dev forum topics and found nothing

i already have data store with player base

and each player have these variables

Is it possible to convert the rollsCount variable from the all players in DataStore and convert it into ordered data store?

I would recommend that you save everything (including rollsCount using the basic datastore, then save the RollsCount to an ordered data store, when the player leaves. (Don’t remove the RollsCount from the basic datastore). This should let you have the data in an ordered datastore for leaderboards.

Depending on the player count, you may also be able to make use of the ListKeys function to loop through every single save, and add the RollsCount to an ordered data store. However, this only works on smaller scales (if you want more info on this, lmk)


Thank you! Definitely gonna try this

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