Not sure what you mean by copy a player’s outfit. GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId? Further explanation on what you’re hoping to achieve, or possibly an example, would help.
Ye i understand the confusion, what i tried to do is by using HumanoidDescription to get the player’s outfit to copy it on a NPC. I tried to do it for a couple of days but i couldn’t figure it out.
Reason why i need more explaination on this or a whole diffrent way of doing this and thank you for this i shall try this out tomorrow!
I checked on it and sadly this is changing a player outfit to someones else thoughout ID. What i need is a way to make it so that the localplayer outfit get copied over to a NPC so the NPC looks the same as the joined player in the game.
local playerService = game:GetService("Players")
local humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local humanoidDescription = humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
local npcHumanoid = worskpace.NPC.Humanoid --i'm assuming the npc is a model in the worskpace, if not, make sure to change that
They wanted it to occur when someone joins the game. That is why I didn’t use Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(). Well, techincally it would work if you use the UserId property of the player, but yeah. Both would work anyways.
Sorry for the late reply, i was testing some function to solve this aswell on my own and have not checked devforum. But this is actually what i needed, thank you dearly for understanding me!
I do however still have one issue: what if a second player joins and you want his charachter on a other NPC without copying the first player look? Is there a specific way to do that?