Is it possible to copy a player outfit with the HumanoidDescription System?

Hey there! I’m trying to use HumanoidDescription System even if im pretty new with it i need some help.

I wish to copy a outfit of the player that joined the game and my question was is this possible with HumanoidDescription?

If it is then what’s the script to do so? if not what is a alternative solution to it and what’s the best way to script this?

Thank you for reading and have a nice day! :slight_smile:

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Not sure what you mean by copy a player’s outfit. GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId? Further explanation on what you’re hoping to achieve, or possibly an example, would help.

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Possibly this would work for you? While I’m not fully sure what you’re trying to achieve, this module creates a character using the player appearance.

Ye i understand the confusion, what i tried to do is by using HumanoidDescription to get the player’s outfit to copy it on a NPC. I tried to do it for a couple of days but i couldn’t figure it out.

Reason why i need more explaination on this or a whole diffrent way of doing this and thank you for this i shall try this out tomorrow! :slight_smile:

I checked on it and sadly this is changing a player outfit to someones else thoughout ID. What i need is a way to make it so that the localplayer outfit get copied over to a NPC so the NPC looks the same as the joined player in the game.

Maybe you would use that?

local playerService = game:GetService("Players")

		local humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
		local humanoidDescription = humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
		local npcHumanoid = worskpace.NPC.Humanoid --i'm assuming the npc is a model in the worskpace, if not, make sure to change that

Yes, and they don’t even have to be in the place if you know their Player.UserId:
game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId( userid )

They wanted it to occur when someone joins the game. That is why I didn’t use Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(). Well, techincally it would work if you use the UserId property of the player, but yeah. Both would work anyways.

I know–I wasn’t criticising–Just pointing it out in case interested.

I’m not assuming you were criticising, sorry if I offended you!

I don’t understand what you mean but I can suggest you to the this tutorial:

Sorry for the late reply, i was testing some function to solve this aswell on my own and have not checked devforum. But this is actually what i needed, thank you dearly for understanding me!

I do however still have one issue: what if a second player joins and you want his charachter on a other NPC without copying the first player look? Is there a specific way to do that?