Hello fellow developers,
My question is simple and I think I already know the answer I wish to just check to ensure I have not missed any possible things. The question is, is there any way you can create CAPTCHA system for an in-game experience. I have been thinking about this ever since I saw a while back like 2-3 “working” CAPTCHA systems for in an experience. Reason why I put working in questions mark is because they can easily be bypassed/hacked by a bot so don’t really work.
From my personal experience and research, I don’t think there is any real way to make a fully working CAPTCHA for a few reasons but the main one being the way that Roblox work. There are a few possible ways you could by theory but all of them will not work as well as needed (which I will explain later). The possible ways by theory are (ones I have found):
Create a text label and in this table have text they have to write in and submit
Create some type of image which text that is not super clear to read (so AI cannot/reduce the chance of them being able to understand it)
Create some type of audio that the user has to listen to and then fill out what it says
Create some type of simple math that you have to complete
Now onto the issues. Below I will go through each method and explain why it cannot work.
Method One (Text Label):
The main issue with this method is quite clear and is that a bot could easily get the text via the property .Text
and then just auto put it inside. Most of the methods I have seen in the past uses this method to work but like I said it is super easy to bypass and automate a bot to do this.
Method Two (some type of image with text that is not clear to read):
This method is the main way that is commonly used for websites CAPTCHA’S however the issue is, the way that Roblox auto moderation works + the way that images work this is not very possible to do. Roblox auto moderation often flags decals that have something that is not clear because the system think you are trying to bypass the auto moderation so due to this it is not super possible. Also due to the way that the client and server works + the way you have to upload the decal, if someone really wanted to they could make a large list of all the captcha images (with the solution/text) and then just get the text from that.
Method Three (audio):
The issue is like in method two in the way that using audios inside of a Roblox experience works. You have to upload the audio onto the site meaning if someone really wanted to they could just make a large list with the answer in and bypass it via this way.
Method Four (math question):
Issue with this is that it is just way to easy for a bot to complete. It is super easy for a bot to complete a simple (or even complex) math question so really there is no true way you could do this (and we then either come back to the text or image problem in regards to how to show the question).
Method Five (complete a task):
This is the only possible way I think by theory you may be able to do it. If the bot can’t see the way it is around then you could do this (issue with this though is that it may be as simple as just turning the image around until the values it is rotated are back to normal so this may also be bypassed easy).
Conclusion of post
So really my question is, is there any way of doing an in-game CAPTCHA? Due to the way Roblox works I really don’t think there is a way so please let me know what you think or if you know of a possible way also let me know.