Hello dear developers! I was wondering about how I would make the system to teleport players to the main game and an idea came to me, this idea treats about making interlinked servers (players in different servers than your actual one can pair with you to play the main game)
(Context: Once you join the game you are on a “lobby” (ex: Fornite, Deceit, etc) and you have to select the mode you want to play but you need a specific quantity of people to do so. And once you have reached the minimum limit you can start the game which will teleport you to a different place containing the main game.)
For better comprehension, here is an example:
As you can see in the image above, there are different servers and different people on each one.
So what I want to do is that some people that want to play a particular mode of the game can match up with people that also want to play that mode but on different servers as shown in the image above: this way optimizing the wait time (players would have to wait less time trying to match up with other people on a particular mode of the main game.)
My question is: Is it possible to do this with Roblox engine? or you are unable to do this?
Thank you for reading and have a nice time!