Is it possible to delete default roblox walk sound

let’s say i have custom sound for the new default roblox walk sound,
the now how did i delete the default one? is it even possible


Test the game then go into your player instance > PlayerScripts > RbxCharacterSounds and copy the script

After that stop the game and paste the script
into StarterPlayerScripts.

Go into the script and at around line 40 there should be a table for running. Set the SoundId in the table to a blank “” or your custom soundId

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Writing this in a local script under StarterCharacterScripts will work:

local soundid = "sound id of custom footstep"
script.Parent:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):WaitForChild("running").SoundId = soundid

Make sure that the soundid variable is in the form of

"rbxassetid://the numbers of the id"