Is it possible to fill a bowl-shaped part with water?

I have a large, bowl-shaped mesh part that I want to fill with water. Is this possible in Roblox Studio and, if so, how does one accomplish this?



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Roblox Beta Tester


I think what you are trying to say is: If it is possible to put water in the bowl with the terrain tool, and I think so, but if it moves the water will just stay there floating, I really have no idea how you would do this, just use blue blocks to act like water in the bowl.

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terrain water wont move so you would have to use alternative solutions like a part or something

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That’s what I’m saying, unless you use a script you won’t be able to use real terrain water.

If you want to simply fill a bowl with water then yes, just use the fill tool and fill it with water.

Use the erode tool to get rid of the water outside of the bowl.

Here is a screenshot of my bowl:

I’m just experimenting in my “sandbox”. If I can get this figured out I will add it to this experience:

As far as the type of water I was hoping to have “real” water such as you can create using the Terrain tools. Then I could create wading pools and bird baths and fountains and such.

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Terrain water does move though? @ZakrapGamingYT

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i mean it does move but it doesnt have physics like gravity etc

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It does not move with the player, it does not have gravity. For instance you can place it in the air and it will not fall. Classic Minecraft Physics.

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haha but minecraft is better since it has some blocks with physics but roblox doesnt

And here is a screenshot of my sculpture garden:

How can I achieve this using a script?

You can use the Terrain water very well. You even use the round terrain option and put water in it, but sometimes the terrain thing collides with the bowl.

Roblox Terrain

How to use Add/Subtract Tools

Attribute ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Description

Brush Shape The shape of the brush; either a sphere, cube, or cylinder.
Base Size / Height The size of the brush, ranging from 1 to 64. To set a Height that’s different from the base size, click the small “lock” icon and select/enter a new value.
Pivot Position The vertical anchor point of the brush in relation to existing terrain (bottom, center, or top).
Snap to Grid Whether or not the brush stays aligned to the terrain grid.
Ignore Water Whether or not to ignore water when adding or subtracting non-water terrain. For example, you can toggle this on to avoid removal of water when using the Subtract tool.
Auto Material When using the Add tool, blends new terrain with surrounding terrain.
Material The appearance of new terrain when using the Add tool, for example ice, sand, water, or grass. Note that you can customize the color of these terrain materials.

Sea Level

The Sea Level tool lets you create a consistent water level across any region. To use it, enter a X / Y / Z position and size, then click Create to flood the region with water or Evaporate to remove water.


The Replace tool lets you replace one terrain material with another, either within a large box region or by using the terrain brush.

Attribute ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Description

Method Select Box to replace all terrain within a defined region (position and size) or select Brush to replace terrain at the brush level.
Source Material The existing terrain material you want to replace.
Target Material Which material to replace the source material with.

Water Properties

Water color and other water effects are controlled through separate properties in the Appearance section:

Property ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Description

WaterColor Changes water color from the default “aqua blue” to any other color. This is useful for creating water that looks like lava, slime, oil, etc.
WaterReflectance Adjusts how much water surfaces reflect the sky and surrounding objects, from a value of 1 (high reflection) to 0 (no reflection).
WaterTransparency Changes water clarity/transparency, from a value of 1 (fully clear) to 0 (totally opaque, like paint).
WaterWaveSize Controls the size of waves on water, from a value of 1 (larger waves) to 0 (no waves).
WaterWaveSpeed Controls the speed of the moving/flowing effect on water surfaces, from a value of 100 (very fast) to 0 (non-moving water).

I hope this helps as there is most of the water terrain explained. You find more info here: Environments and Terrain Tools

I would highly suggest using terrain, rather than a scripted as it would take longer to produce to make it with a script.

Let any of us know if you need anything else. Good Luck! :slight_smile:


Roblox Beta Tester


Ye. It sadly doesn’t have gravity. I got it now. :+1:


Roblox Beta Tester

You could just scale a cylinder up or a union. Than use the part to terrain tool plugin. Idk who made it bc I’m on my phone but yeah

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You could just use the terrain tool very carefully with a small brush or the filling tool and then lower the wave speed and waves to 0 in Terrain.

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