Hey there!
So I’m very confused regarding JobIds or the problem could be something else,
but I do need help making this script since I’m also not the best scripter in these parts
local serversFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“Servers”)
local ms = game:GetService(“MessagingService”)
ms:SubscribeAsync(“ServerList”, function(data
data = data.Data
if data.serverId ~= game.JobId then
local serverValue = script.ServerName:Clone()serverValue.Name = "Server" .. #serversFolder:GetChildren() + 1 serverValue.Value = data.serverId .. " " .. data.players serverValue.Parent = serversFolder wait(5) serverValue:Destroy()
end)while game.PrivateServerId == “” do
local data = {
serverId = game.JobId,
players = #game.Players:GetPlayers()
ms:PublishAsync(“ServerList”, data)
So the script sends data or info to another script so it can teleport the player to an exact server they pick, basically a server list system, but when I try making it show servers for other games
I just scratch my head in utter confusion. So if there are any solutions to this please reply.