Is it possible to get a thumbnail of an item from different perspectives?

What do you want to achieve?

I’m trying to get multiple thumbnails of items from different camera perspectives, my plan is to eventually create a GIF from the frames.

I was hoping I could use the GET /v1/assets-thumbnail-3d endpoint in (example: but can’t as of now find a way to utilise this data to do so.

What is the issue?

The issue is, as of now I can’t find a way to retrieve the thumbnails of items in a way where I can either customise the camera perspective or customise the properties of the item itself (rotation, position and the like).

What solutions have you tried so far?

I’m heading towards the route of using to manually get the mesh and texture files (example:

The struggle with this is managing to get the data out of these files (as the files are in-house built by Roblox), it’s a struggle to parse them into a recognisable type (attempting this in a TypeScript/NodeJS project). It would have been alright if it was a version 1.0 mesh as I could just string pattern and split on the ][ of the different Vector3 data to get my vertex, normal and UV points, but anything after version 1.0 I’m unable/struggling to decode.

Many thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

If you want to create an image of the items, you could add them to a ViewPortFrame, set the camera, take a snapshot, then rotate the object, take another, etc until complete.

That would work if I was doing this on Roblox Studio, I should have specified that my aim is to do this in a TypeScript/NodeJS application and convert the frames into a GIF through code, so thought there would hopefully be an endpoint to do this which retrieves the thumbnail.

If there was a way to render 3D objects in a place in Roblox Studio, snapshot it and export it then that would be great, I would have an idea on how to do that if I had a Windows server, call an endpoint and use some kind of NuGet package that could read and generate a picture of the screen. Hopefully someone knows of a better way though. Thank you for your response anyway, I appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Just going to bump this for visibility. :slight_smile:

Still haven’t figured out a way to do this… I wonder if there’s some kind of parser/deserializer that exists for Roblox’s custom model type?