I want to be able to get an instance’s unique reference id (the kind that is printed when setting an instance as a dictionary key) in order to add a string at the end of it for indexing a table (experimenting with ECS).
I don’t know how to find an object’s reference id outside of printing it from a table, then using log service to read the output which is very gimmicky and inefficient.
Reference IDs are basically unique identifiers each instance has on roblox. Since ECS / DOD is supposed to be a more memory efficient version of OOP, using a property or an attribute seems to defeat the point in most cases, hense randomly generating external IDs is most likely not going to work.
That appears to be the only way to fetch an instance’s memory address.
local game = game
local logService = game:GetService("LogService")
local connection
local function onMessageOut(message)
for memAddr in string.gmatch(message, "%b()") do
connection = logService.MessageOut:Connect(onMessageOut)
connection = logService.MessageOut:Connect(onMessageOut)
local t = {}
for _ = 1, 5 do
t[Instance.new("Part")] = true