Is it possible to get current light level

Screenshot (732)
How can I replicate this? How can I tell if a spot is bright or dark?

My rough hypothetical method:

1.) Tag all parts that have light sources (PointLight/SpotLight) with CollectionService (whenever new parts with light sources are added, tag them too).

2.) Have a detection part and use that part’s position as the detection point

3.) Whenever the part is moved, generate a new “detection score”

4.) We determine the detection score by looping through all tagged parts and their light sources

5.) For each light source, determine intensity of light at the position of detection part by comparing the distance of the detection part and light source, and light source .Range property.

6.) Calculate something like 1 - (distance/range)
and add this to the detection score

7.) After repeating this for all light sources (accounts for overlapping light sources), you should be able to know how bright a certain position is

8.) You can categorise scores into ranges to determine “very bright” and “not so bright”, etc