Is it possible to get hired as a scripter if you have been scripting for almost a whole year?
I know there are lots of people who hire scripters but can you get hired even if you don’t know nearly everything there is to know about scripting? Is there anyone who would hire you for basic stuff like data saving or UI? I am constantly learning more and more about scripting but I want to use my current skills for something. So, I can not only practice, but get familiar with being hired.
I’m gonna be honest with you; if someone really wanted to make a data saving script they could just watch AlvinBlox. If you’ve been scripting for a year and all you know is data saving there might be a problem…
Getting hired is tricky when under 13-18 so it generally depends on your age, I never have good luck when getting clients as they’re generally unprofessional or don’t give me any actual tasks. Especially because of my own age most better paying/professional jobs won’t hire me.
Not generally, most jobs require you to be 13 or over so getting hired won’t be as difficult when looking through the recruitment boards or through other means.
It’s not so much they’re expecting of your age, moreover that you’ll be more professional but yes they will expect more because of your age as it’s likely you’ve been scripting for a longer time.
Your age will be generally determining whether or not you get the job. Not so much pay, pay will depend on the client and the task they give you. I also wouldn’t recommend being payed in percentage unless they have actual revenue.
I’d go for tasks that require specific skillsets you already have, things like data or UI. Take on larger projects or even complete games later on in your career when you’re more comfortable with scripting.