Is it possible to get numbers of multiple instances

hey, trying to get number of instances

print((#workspace:GetChildren()) and (#workspace.Npcs:GetChildren()))

real question here is it possible to check 2 instances in one instead of making a serepate function for it?
8 children, 10 npcs
aka something like this

you can do this

local tableToCheck = workspace:GetChildren() and workspace.Npcs:GetChildren()
for i,v in pairs(tableToCheck) do
local t = {}
table.insert(t, table.unpack(workspace:GetChildren()))
table.insert(t, table.unpack(workspace.Npcs:GetChildren()))
for i,v in pairs(t) do

Tried @neweve2323’s solution without success:

local a = {"a"} local b = {"b"} local c = a and b for i,v in pairs(c) do print(i,v) end
1 b

how do i fix this error

See here a function that concatinates 2 tables:

local a: Folder = workspace.a
local b: Folder = workspace.b

local function tableConcat(t0,t1)
	for i = 1, #t1 do
		t0[#t0 + 1] = t1[i]
	return t0

local t = tableConcat(a:GetChildren(), b:GetChildren())
for i,v in pairs(t) do
 1 aaaa
 2 sjdlqsjd
 3 bbbb
 4 omklmk


Probably the quickest way of doing this, although it only works to concat 1 table to another. If you need to do this with multiple tables, it would require more looping.

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