Is it possible to have a hole move around the ground?


I am kind of debating on making a game which basically is that you’re a hole that eats whatever is around you. My question is: is this possible? I want to avoid using unions as much as possible. How would I go about this though? The items would have to somehow fall into the hole, but this wouldn’t look great if it was just a cylinder on the ground that moved around.

Thanks in advance for the help!

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for i,v > parts in a folder or workspace getdescendants

slowly tween parts to u if magnitude is in range.
if part magnitude is 1 then it eats the part.
if v:IsA(“Weld”) and parent Part.Position .magnitude then destroy weld. // or unanchor.

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I was thinking of doing something like that, but I needed an idea for the hole which is in the ground. I am not sure how to do that without unions which can cause performance issues, which is why I want to avoid it.

use an sphere part. ------------------ characters sorry. and transform it with roblox transformer.

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I’m a little confused. I want an actual hole in the ground, or something that looks like it but I don’t know how to proceed.

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I don’t think this is open-source.

It is open source and able to use ^^.

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slice.rbxl (17.7 KB)
Credits @EgoMoose

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I tried playing around and I can’t get it to update, I feel dumb lol

Well just google for a Partbreaker / Part Cutter , Cut part in half and u should find one^^.

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