Is it possible to have an anti lag script, if so, how would I do that?

I was wondering if there is a way to have an anti lag script in your game, if so, how would I do it and where would I put it?


I’m pretty sure it is not possible to make an anti-lag script. Since lag is created because of the processes being processed at a certain time. Other than decreasing lag, it might even add/increase more lag into your game. In other words, lag is made by moving parts and possibly some scripts.


You need to be more specific as to what is lagging in your project as this question is WAY too general.

Oh, well the problem is, I have too many motorcycles in my game, maybe a regeneration button for the motorcycle would be better.

You could possibly limit the parts of the motorcycle by using unions.

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this game; Motorcycle Testing - Roblox

It gets laggy when lots of people are in game, its a bit laggy atm, but I want to resolve it before it becomes an issue

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Anti lag scripts in of themselves don’t do anything useful to standard coding,
Anything that is causing lag is due to your implementation or a free model you used purposefully has a script to cause lag. Anti lag scripts often try to prevent that, but that is a bandaid solution.

If there is lag then its either you have too many players, or your code is too intensive. Either way, you need to use the built in tools and try to determine what is taking up the most processing power.

I’m pretty sure that unions caused more lag and that meshes were a better solution to reducing lag in a game, but if that’s not the case then a lot of people have been misinformed.

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There’s no current way for a script to reduce lag; as mentioned above, it would most likely increase lag. However, you can implement something that reduces how much is rendered in the game, like a chunk loading system (I linked an open-sourced game by @TheNexusAvenger as an example) to improve performance.


There is no such thing as a script that “reduces lag,” and furthermore, there is no one single way to improve the performance of a game which performs poorly. There are loads and loads of reasons why a game can run poorly. It is not possible to remedy this problem unless you measure, otherwise you will have no idea what actually needs to be fixed!

I have not yet seen the micro profiler mentioned in this thread. This is the most important and useful tool we have to measure and diagnose performance problems, and every developer on this platform should know about it. Seriously! It’s indispensable. If you don’t measure, you have to guess… and the guesses will not help most of the time. Let the profiler be your “anti-lag script.” :stuck_out_tongue:


Roblox has their own render distance system so this is not really needed, and it is best to use streaming enabled anyway

you could either make a chunk loading system or use streaming enabled

I feel like this topic should already be marked as solved. Because you can’t just make an anti-lag script. It just won’t work.