Is it possible to have physics on enabled Motor6Ds


I am currently making a ragdoll system for my game, however my Rig (which is similar to R15) consist of skinned meshes, which means when I disable Motor6Ds (to enable physics on limbs) I lose that skinning aspect of the Rigs.

So, to keep it short, is is possible to have physics on parts while Motor6Ds are enabled, I want to create a skinned ragdoll system.

Here is my previous post, on a similar topic:

You could try using a physics “proxy”. Have an invisible copy of the rig that is completely loose and ragdoll, and using a script you translate the CFrame of every limb to the real counterpart’s Motor6D every frame.

The proxy rig should collide with everything except for the real rig. You can use AlignPosition and AlignOrientation to make the proxy’s torso line up with the actual torso. You will also need some CFrame knowledge to approximate the Motor6D Transform CFrame to be applied to the real rig.

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Thanks for the reply, I’ll attempt this method and I’ll update this post if the results turn out as expected.

I’ve finally figured it out, and it wasn’t a hacky solution - all this time I was using the wrong attachments to connect my ragdolls.

While I was attempting the method suggested by @Prototrode, I’ve noticed that you actually don’t need Motor6Ds, all you need to do to keep the skinning aspect is to connect a constraint to two attachments which are directly parented under skinned parts.


In the case above, LeftLowerLeg and LeftUpperLeg are two (connected) skinned parts:

Before, I was connecting them via a HingeConstraint, by LeftKneeConstraint0 and LeftKneeConstraint1, which are not directly parented under LeftLowerLeg or LeftUpperLeg.

Now, I am connecting them via a HingeConstraint, but this time by LeftKneeRigAttachments, I guess this allows skinning because they are directly parented under LeftLowerLeg and LeftUpperLeg.

As you can see, it works! :happy4:

Long story short, skinning will remain on parts which are connected either by Motor6Ds or with constraints whose attachments are directly parented under skinned parts.

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