Is it possible to know/check if a player has liked your game?

Does Roblox have a feature that can be used in scripts to check if a player has liked the game or not? I’d like to introduce a feedback system into my game, and I would like to give players who like the game an oppurtunity to give feedback on what they liked about the game.


I think that’s a little too pushy, I’d just make a button on the side that lets the player give feedback whenever they want. It’d also be a little weird for you to tell the players to like the game to give feedback if they wanted to criticize your game.

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Not really an answer, just wanted to know if this was do-able. Also I never really said players can’t give feedback without liking the game, it’s just something that would become available to them if they were to like it. There are plenty of other ways to leave feedback or “criticize” the game.

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You can check if they gave it a favorite, but not a like.

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Alright, thanks alot. A bit weird though since I see alot of these simulator games promoting rewards for liking a game - does this mean they’re fake?

Not really. You can check the amount of likes a game has (on the page), and if it surpasses an announced event limit, the game updates. But “like the game for a flying carpet” is a scam.


Yeah its not do-able in the way that you want, the closest thing you can do to get something remotely similiar is making maybe a UI where players can choose to like in game and saving that in a datastore.

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Alright, thanks. I was playing a game earlier and saw a “free sword” reward for liking the game and joining the group. I assume they just check to see if they joined the group, and take a chance and presume the player liked the game aswell then give their reward.

You can check if they’ve joined the group though, I remember there’s a function built in for that in roblox. Player:IsInGroup()

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