Is it possible to make a anti-uncopylocking protection from exploiters?

I’m currently working on a game with a bunch of other people in a team, it is a ro-nation city, and we have been receiving threats on people stealing our game to our possible competitors/rivals

Keep in mind, stealing the game’s workspace is far more devastating then the scripts themselves since it is a city, so I’m wondering if an anti-uncopylocking system is possible.


Anything replicated to the client can be stolen. There’s no real workaround for this. You can file a DMCA against anyone who uses it, however.

I cannot always just file reports to ROBLOX around this, theres always going to be people stealing the game, then it will be spread throughout people

A hacker can simply, kick themselves. then opy the game, There is nothing you can do.

It’s like when you go onto google images. and do “copy image”, there’s nothing the owner can do.
if you have an issue, do what @ellienonekomimi says, and file a DMCA request. There isn’t much else you can do.

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adding onto that; Loosing performance for a game which’ll end up being leaked anyway. Will one; Hype up the hackers who leaked the game and two; help lag-out the community, so it is best to just have no protection against it.

Yeahh… its kinda easy aswell…

while true do
if game.GameId ~= game id here then
do something to crash the game

This only works if they steal the entire game, by the way.

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There is no way to keep it safe, however they can only view your localscripts. Therefor if you have majority of scripts making up the game, when they steal it the game won’t function properly.