Is it possible to make a tool and that tool has different keybinds?

I plan on making a one piece game, and the important parts of it include various abilities. Basically my question is, when a tool gets equipped is it possible for that tool to have different keybinds? Is that possible? If so how?

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Yes, it is possible. Using UserInputService

Yeah but how do I place the UserInputService in a tool?

Dude, UserInputService is a service. You need to scripting it.

I understand that, but could I script that user input service into a tool like the script below?



For example I want X key.

if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.X then
print("X key is printed!")

You could make a variable saying if the tool is equipped, allow UIS to do the job, otherwise don’t let it.

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How would I go about doing that? I’m a beginner, sorry…

I don’t think you should start scripting big stuffs like that first. It gets a bit complicated but you would use a Boolean value and use conditional statements.