I was just wondering if it was possible to make a TextBox that allows you to type the Robux amount that you want to donate.
If it is, how?
I was just wondering if it was possible to make a TextBox that allows you to type the Robux amount that you want to donate.
If it is, how?
u can do it but i dont know how to make it
No, it isn’t. What you could do is have multiple DPs each with different prices and allow the player to choose which one they’d like to purchase.
Yes you basically can but it isn’t that simple.
You have to choose a limit (like 100) and make the same amount of dev products for each number (1,2,3,…50,51,52…,98,99,100) and insert those ids into a table and do a little bit of scripting to detect the right product and bla bla bla…
Yes you can but it’s a big waste of time and it’s not worth it.
There was a topic I saw before, basically what the guy did is whenever someone tried donating, it creates a new developer product if the price doesn’t exist, so for example if the player tries to donate 100, it will create a developer product for 100 robux, if it exists, it will just ask the person to buy the existing one.
This could help you.
Aha that was the one I was talking about
Like @ChickenCrat and @Entildo have said, my tutorial may be able to help you with this:
It’s quite compex if you don’t have much experience with web development, but I’m happy to help you if you have any questions, just ask on that topic