Is it possible to make it so you can type the Robux amount to donate and how?

I was just wondering if it was possible to make a TextBox that allows you to type the Robux amount that you want to donate.

If it is, how?

u can do it but i dont know how to make it

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No, it isn’t. What you could do is have multiple DPs each with different prices and allow the player to choose which one they’d like to purchase.

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Yes you basically can but it isn’t that simple.

You have to choose a limit (like 100) and make the same amount of dev products for each number (1,2,3,…50,51,52…,98,99,100) and insert those ids into a table and do a little bit of scripting to detect the right product and bla bla bla…

Yes you can but it’s a big waste of time and it’s not worth it.

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There was a topic I saw before, basically what the guy did is whenever someone tried donating, it creates a new developer product if the price doesn’t exist, so for example if the player tries to donate 100, it will create a developer product for 100 robux, if it exists, it will just ask the person to buy the existing one.


This could help you.


Aha that was the one I was talking about :joy:


Like @ChickenCrat and @Entildo have said, my tutorial may be able to help you with this:

It’s quite compex if you don’t have much experience with web development, but I’m happy to help you if you have any questions, just ask on that topic :slight_smile: