Is it possible to make mesh turn into water?

is it possible to make low poly water like this to be swim able just like roblox “normal” water
Lobby Map Comission.PNG
(its the blue meshes, sorry for bad image quality)
if yes could anyone help me out
i have this script:

-- Replace "Water" with the name of your mesh object
local water = game.Workspace.Water

-- Set the mesh's friction to 0 and its elasticity to 1
water.Friction = 0
water.Elasticity = 1

-- Create a function that applies a force to players when they enter the water
function ApplyForce(player)
	-- Get the player's character and the water's surface normal
	local character = player.Character
	local normal = water.CFrame.lookVector
	-- Calculate the force to apply to the player
	local force = normal * -100
	-- Apply the force to the player's character

-- Connect the ApplyForce function to the PlayerEnteringWater event

Maybe you can add water inside the mesh and put the water transparency to 1 and water reflectance to 0

It still has this white part, but maybe it can work


OoO yeah it could be something like that, but i thought there was some script that i could achieve the same “physics” as normal water

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Solved here: Smooth Terrain swimming but inside of parts[v3.0]

didnt work for my meshes, pretty sure that version will only work on parts?

but it doesnt work and the mesh has a friction of 100 so the players cant enter it
thanks in advance

I’m pretty sure that there’s no way to do it right now. But you can make a normal water and add a scalar paramater with a function. After that you can use that function to change the scalar value so it’s height changes.

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