Hi all, I need to pay players to make the game better (like when the player is best player of year he will earn 100 robux so only few players will earn robux). So is there any way how to do this without group founds, because it wont be so good to push player to join my group.
There is no way to “transfer” Robux to someone other than buying an item of theirs or using group funds.
Plus, its against Roblox’s TOS. I wouldn’t recommend doing it.
Citation? Hosting competitions purely through official channels for Robux or giving a player of your choice a title and some Robux isn’t against the Terms of Service.
That’s not true.
" As discussed in Roblox Terms of Use, you cannot (and you cannot allow others) sell, trade or give away Robux, digital goods or game codes except through official channels on Roblox platform. For example, you cannot conduct such transactions through chat, Roblox Groups, or third-party apps or websites. You also cannot buy or sell Roblox games or Groups"
Technically it is against TOS
But i can sell parts of game so where is the deviding line?
Although it’s considered a somewhat grey area, you are generally allowed to sell games, hire developers and give away Robux provided that you don’t reference it on Roblox.
So in your case, you would not be allowed to giveaway Robux as you would be promoting it in your game.
Groups are an official channel, they have a payout system. Paying developers is a form of giving away money, though in exchange for services. Game codes are allowed to be released on and off platform so long as they grant only game items and you don’t include disallowed off-site links on your game.
The statement isn’t entirely accurate and it’s very contextual. The Terms of Service are fluid in some regards and not hard-set rules, just a set of expectations. Most moderation action is at moderator discretion taken the Terms of Service into account.
I don’t really want to rules lawyer you, but the very next sentence to the one you’ve highlight says explicitly you can’t use Roblox groups. They have a payout system for revenue sharing for collaborative projects, but I agree that this part of the ToS isn’t really enforced
So when i want to give someone something not ingame for being best player of year, only thing is badge. And not because technical reason, but because Roblox TOS?
If Roblox groups could not be used for such transactions, then a payout system itself would be in violation of the Terms of Service. It depends on how you’re distributing money from that group. It could arguably be an oversight or an unexplained gray area where common distribution is not allowed but service payments are.
And when I buy his skin for putting it in my game, it is my problem, that I bought it extremly overpriced. Is this violation of ToS?
If you make a special item for a player, I think you are fine. Just make it so that the player gets the item for free instead of them paying
You understood it badly, i was asking if its ok to pay him for buing his skin for placing it in my game as asset.
But if there is way, how to give item (not ingame, but on whole roblox) to only that player i want, it will be also good revard, but i dont know about this feature.
It wouldn’t have been misinterpreted if you took the time to rephrase the question, you receive the effort you’ve put forth as in poorly written questions receive poorly written answers.
This is violating the TOS as group payouts are for developers only.
Rewarding players with virtual currency isn’t recommended yet can be done by the following:
[right][center]Purchasing something worth x amount owned by the player you’re rewarding, I.e purchasing a gamepass[/center][/right]
[right][center]Giving the player a giftcard code offsite, on site giveaways are against the TOS[/center][/right].
Group payouts can be falsely flagged as a BM transaction if moderation suspects suspicious activity. It isn’t easily reversible either so I’d recommend using group payouts with caution and avoid using it for non developmental reasons I.e donations.
BM is completely different from a distribution of funds. Moderation acts primarily based on where the Robux comes from, which is what causes flags - not the fact that you distributed funds from your group. BM is a term relating to RWTs which is explicitly outlawed.
Group payouts alone rarely, if ever, get flagged, hence context-based moderation.
It is quite unclear how to use group founds.
what you think, that isn’t violation of ToS
- Developer pay
- Donating real life friends
- Donating roblox friends
- Biggest in game revard
- Donating game testers,… And other people, that don’t make any thing in my game, but still are “developers”
0 voters
This isn’t really something you need to poll for, nor can. Its important to keep in mind that none of us are staff and can only answer based on what sounds logical and with various encounters with moderation.
I’ve pretty much already clarified my point a lot at this point but I’ll offer it once more and then that’s all from me: the circumstances on which you’re moderated on are very strongly based on context. There’s nothing actually wrong in this scenario.
Group owners, alternate accounts, developers, friends and contest winners alike have all been awarded Robux from groups before. So long as you aren’t doing anything shady on or off the platform, you will be fine.
Last thing too - this thread probably leans more on #discussion or #help-and-feedback:game-design-support.