Is it possible to predict when a banwave will happen?

Wondering if anyone knows when the next banwave will be or if its predictable


What did you do?

You cannot hide from the waves. They will find you.

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I didn’t do anything, i am simply wondering if its predictable (ive heard before it is)

You could get the average amount of time between each ban wave, as well as how often does it occur when x, y, z, … etc amount of time has passed, and then you have the information needed to predict when the next ban wave will happen. But if you have information on what is happening inside of roblox, you could use that information to figure out when the next ban wave will happen.

But the real question is… Why do you want to predict when a banwave will happen? :thinking:

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probably an exploiter, those bans always happen in waves


Because basically nothing has changed, i think exploiting might have gotten worse even (maybe im joining the wrong games)

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Not sure about that. Ever since hyperion exploiting seems to have basically gone down hard. There are still a couple of cases here and there but personally last time ive seen an exploiter was probably months ago.

Also, wheres that sysguard thing ive heard so much about at? I heard it was supposed to detonate all of hyperion and bring in a new dawn of exploiting or whatever one or two years ago.

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Never heard of sysguard, what is it supposed to be?

From what i know, its supposed to be some sort of magic kernel sandboxing crap thing that would let you inject code into other applications in some magic kernel level way. This is all i know from what i remember, i’m probably insanely far from the real definitions but eh, not like it matter much these days.

Never heard of it, and honestly i feel nothing changed with cheating, only thing thats different is theyre detected and ur acc gets deleted, but u can just use an alt anyways.


Just don’t break the rules and you’ll be fine.

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