(I tried searching info about this but couldn’t find it)
I will explain better here:
In tower defense game I have enemies
Enemies have to be on server-side to actually damage base when they reach it
Is it possible to make enemies render only on client, while still work same as if they was on server (If they reach base they damage it and towers can attack them)
If you make them transparent it will still cause same amount of lag when they spawn (if there a lot of them then its big lag)
I don’t actually need it but I want to know if it is possible
I can explain better if its hard to understand
alright so this might seem weird. but this video on bullet replication can definetly help in my opinion.
the way that bullets are index with tick() and using unreliable remote event seem like it would work for you. when the bullets are first indexed, you can pass through the enemy type. then the client can get all the instance they need from replicated storage, like attack assets and animation. instead of updating with unreliable remote events you could send an event everytime the enemy want to turn so that you can tween it on the client. im sure you can figure it out.
Maybe if I actually watched video fully with headphones on without skipping most part of it I maybe would understand, but I still have no idea how I would make it
Thanks for helping anyway
I will mark this as solution since it maybe can help in my question