Hello friends, I am trying to make trails for my game but I am not willing to draw them myself. I tried to use a cash image from the toolbox, but the textures are squares and rotated 90 degrees. I want to make the texture point upwards because that’s what the original photo looked like. Can someone please assist me, or just tell me if it is possible to achieve my desired outcome?
A quick way to export your image from roblox as a png file on your computer is to use this link: https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/v1/asset/?id=<IDGOESHERE> where you need to replace the "<IDGOESHERE> text with the ID of the cash image. Pasting it in a browser will download a file with random string. What you need to do is to rename it to something like “money.png”. This way it will become a png file. Next, just rotate using default window tools and then reimport the image to roblox.
Thank you so much for this simple method! Unfortunately, my trails use FaceCamera so when the player turns around, the image mirrors downwards. Still, thank you for the help!
Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work since the images are rotated on a different axis, and this is also just overwritten by FaceCamera, which my trails use