Is it possible to run code from a client to all other clients?

So i want to know if it is possible to run something from a client on all other clients without using remote events or touching the server


       print("example") --send this to other clients without using the server

I don’t think so. You would have to send it through the server.

for clients to recieve information everything has to go through the server (clients can’t communicate with eachother.)

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Pretty much what Natsu_Dawn said, though without using remote events themselves, best you can do is give client network ownership of some part (But you don’t really want to do this unless absolutely necessary). And to be honest, you wouldn’t want the client to be able to do that anyway… adding security vulnerabilities without server & sanity checks sounds like a nightmare.

Unfortunately, you can’t. And for a good reason.

If you want data to be sent to all other clients, the data must be sent to the server first to be processed and checked before displaying it to all other clients.

If clients could talk to each other without the need of the server, it can be exploited to display data which shouldn’t exist at all, which is terrible.

Instead, you must use RemoteEvents to transfer data to the server and back to clients.

You’ll have to use server unfortunately. Otherwise you’d introduce huge security risks

thanks, because thats the method im using and its just a huge mess

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