Hello you can call me Tank and im not to knowledgeable on scripting and I want to know if it’s possible to create randomly generated maps consisting of at least 100 parts possible?
It has to create a base ground which is something to be stood on
Something that has this feature are these games down their I
Do you want the maps be copied from ReplicatedStorage or somewhere else or a random generated one? If it is a random generated one you should learn some math that I don’t really know, and maybe some Perlin noise using math.noise .
It is possible to do that, however, remember to place them into the ServerStorage when they aren’t needed to reduce network traffic, otherwise, the latency of your game will be high, especially for high ping players.
Parts, because you have to create triangles and in a specific order. However, with terrain, it looks more realistic and it’s easier to make so I chose it, but for some games, triangle terrain might look nicer.