Is it possible to set NPC's in teams?

Hello Developers!

Sorry if the question I asked is stupid, but is it possible to set NPC’s in teams?


No. Teams are only assignable to players. UNLESS you add a team system not based off of Roblox’s.

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How can I do that?


How I like to do it is, add a Folder inside of Players with the NPC’s name and making it have a UserID attribute, Name, DisplayName, Team, etc. (Whatever is needed for the game) I then set what I need to that player (Folder) and use GetChildren() on Players rather than GetPlayers(). Or I just make a module to handle the NPC players rather than make them a Folder.


How could we assign a team to the NPCs after they are put into players though? Do we just add attributes for that?

Add either Bool/Number/String/etc. Values to it or attributes to the folder. Then just edit the value of the Folder or Descendant of the folder. It would be similar how you call it on a player but instead you add .Value. game.Players.ExamplePlayer1.Team.Value = “Tah”

I’m using TagService for the “teams”, would that work?

Eh, I guess. Yeah it could work.

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