I have 2 tweens for a textlabel leg indicator, left leg and right leg
when you switch foots, both tweens are checked if in a playing state and paused, then the indicators are set to text transparency 1
the current selected indicator will be set to text transparency 0, with a 0.8 duration tween that slowly makes it to text transparency 1
now a weird thing, when these leg indicator tweens are spammed, it looks like the tweens are continuing off where it used to be before i paused the tween and set it to text transparency 1
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Technically no; however, you could do a boolean before the code is ran again and do
local Tween = nil
if not Tween then
Tween = TweenService:Create(properties here)
Tween = nil
If you don’t want to do that, the “technically no” comes into play. You could “set the time position” by updating the transparency property to the desired number. This would occur during the :Pause period.
You can use TweenService:GetValue() in a for
loop to implement your own tween. That’s the only way.
This is confusing, what do you mean? and may you make a code example
I did the last bit already, the issue is that if you spam it, it looks like its starting from where it was before as stated