Is it possible to set things to client side while other players can see it?

I’ve received this comment many times, set the animation to client side. But wouldn’t that just make me the only one to see it? I’m kind of confused.

Yeah ik that when it’s client sided only the client can see it, and if it’s server sided the whole server can see it.

Yes. example: if any player changes a value on their avatar, the server will not see this change, and will not be able to replicate

If an Animator is a descendant of a Humanoid or AnimationController in a Player’s Character then animations started on that Player’s client will be replicated to the server and other clients.

If the Animator is not a descendant of a player character, its animations must be loaded and started on the server to replicate.

Source: Animation | Roblox Creator Documentation.

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If the Animator is created on the server, loading an animation and playing it on the client should replicate. Everyone else will be able to see it as long as the Animator wasn’t created on the client.

These rules don’t apply to animations. Read the info I wrote above or the official documentation of the Animator | Roblox Creator Documentation.

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