Is it possible to stop a part on a character from increasing the render distance that increases the usage of CPU?

I’m creating a game with giant robots, and since they are so large the CPU usage spikes because I’m assuming that you have to render more objects at a time since they are close to the player’s character. Is it possible to lower the render distance relative to the middle of the character to lower the usage of the CPU?

Is it possible to change a part’s attribute from a character so that they don’t increase the size of the player’s render?

How massive (in studs) are these robots. Lets face it the Roblox engine handles a pretty good render distance. I have the worst tablet in the world as one of my test devices and it can handle a low poly mall that is ~500 studs long all at once.

If you are talking about parts grouped together as a Model or as Meshes, then you might want to consider the LevelOfDetail setting. That way the game engine can optimise the the robots.

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These robots could be 800~ studs in width at max. I’m assuming the usage of the CPU comes from colliding with non-collidable blocks within the map. Maybe this could be the problem? maybe not. I will have to tinker with the LevelOfDetail setting sometime soon when I have more free time.