Let’s say there’s a user named “1” and a user named “2”. User 1 is in an experience called “A” and User 2 is in an experience called “B”. Both experiences are created by me.
Is there a way to make User 1 teleport to experience B and ensure that they are teleported in the same server as User 2?
Yes you would need to know the users server/job id then make sure allow 3rd party teleports is on.
How do I use those to teleport the player to the right place?
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Try looking into this.
TeleportToPlaceInstance(placeId: number, instanceId: string, player: Instance, spawnName: string, teleportData: Variant, customLoadingScreen: Instance): void
Teleports a Player to the server instance associated with the given placeId and instanceId
There are also loads of tutorials on yt
It says players can only be teleported within a single experience