Is it possible to trade limiteds in the game?

Hello Everyone! I’m trying to make game where you can trade limiteds, but I want to make so people can trade right in the game.

Is it possible to do? Thanks.


I’m not exactly sure what you mean by this. Are you trying to ask if there’s a way to create an in-game button that forces a player to trade away one of their limiteds when they click it?

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Trade Hangout - Roblox there is a game but i cant join it i havent premium

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I think they’re trying to create a game where you can trade your limited (real one prolly) items in game (not in the actual trading screen).

I’m pretty sure this isn’t possible because one, I’m pretty sure there’s no API related to this (AssetService prolly doesn’t support that); secondly, exploiters would be able to manipulate this.


That is correct. Assuming that that is what they intended in their original post, it is completely impossible (without discovering some huge exploit) to force a player to trade a limited via a script running at identity 2 (a normal game script).


No this is not possible in game. Games like Trade Hangout make it so you have to use Roblox’s trade feature.


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