Is it possible to transfer data from a datastore between games?

Is it possible to transfer data between games and if so, how do i do it?

I need a way to transfer savedata with an admin command to a different game, so that i can load it there.
Is there a way how to do this?


You can’t transfer datastore data between games. The only solution here is to use an external server, but that is beyond the scope for this topic.

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If both games are a part of the same universe then you can use DataStores just fine.


Well, you can transfer only gamepass data across different games. For example, if someone bought a gamepass form adopt me, then the flood escape developer can see if they have bought it not, and can do something with it.

If these places are under seperate universes, you have three main options:

If these places are under the same Universe, you can use DataStoreService and MessagingService just fine.

If this is a one-time transfer and doesn’t need to be done during runtime, you can import and export the data using JSONEncode and JSONDecode, though this may become tedious if you need to transfer multiple keys.

I Am also looking for something similar
I want to transfer data between a Nodejs Program while its hosted on a vps and a Roblox Game
i tried HttpsService But it didn’t work
is there a way to transfer Data/small info Between Nodejs Program and a Roblox Game?

I heard that you can use VPS with HTTPservice to transfer data, but i am not really that experienced in using HTTPservice, so i cant really help you.

can you link me the ’ VPS with HTTPservice to transfer data’ tutorial thing?

I had heard it from a friend of mine in my DMS, i dont have a link sadly. Try searching for virtual private server.

Alright I Will look for it on the internet.

Try Roblox’s MessageService.

MessageService only works for different servers of the game game.

From the documentation page: The MessagingService allows game servers in the same game to communicate with each other in real time…

TeleportService, you teleport the player to the old game with a fetch data param and then it teleports them back to the new game with the old data.

TeleportService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub