Is it possible to use multiple textures on 1 meshPart?

I wanted to re-create the tool gun from Gmod but it uses multiple textures for different parts of the model.
Does anyone know if there is any way to use these different textures in one mesh (i dont really have any experience in modelling or creating textures)

These textures work for the certain parts they are for but it messes up all the other parts.

Screenshots and Textures:


this is what it is suposedto look like

You can’t place several textures in a single mesh but you can try to separate the parts and place the texture in each one or join the images in 1 and only accommodate the UV map

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roblox should fix this, yes fix not implement, this a requirement for any 3d workspace


You need to allocate the specific texture for each part of the model on a UV map. There is no way to apply multiple texture images on a model.

Would be great if you could apply multiple surface appearance materials to a single mesh all on its own. But Roblox doesn’t think ahead like that. Instead you’ve gotta burden yourself with separating your meshes into many different pieces by material. This not only increases the workload and burdens the workflow, but it also creates a nonsensical amount of mesh ID’s that Roblox has to load, draw, and render for every single client that jumps onto your experience. The only possible way around that is to create a trim sheet of all the possible textures and such that your mesh will use, but even that has drawbacks since the maximum size of any images (as far as I know) are 1024x1024. So you’re going to lose a LOT of detail.

To add on to your discovery of how far behind meshes and materials are on Roblox:

  • If your mesh is a walkable/ collision surface that players will be interacting with, there’s also a list of things you need to consider/ fix every time you upload to correct any collision geometry that act as an invisible barrier.

  • There’s also the caveat that collision geometry somehow affects shadows, so the larger a collision cell is, the darker the shadow will be cast.

  • Materials still don’t have an emissive map for glowy bits. If you wanted glowy bits, you either add them in via part, a cutout section of said glowy bit, or decals/ textures (all of which are absurdly expensive in terms of performance).

I’m probably going to turn this into a feature request post if I can avoid getting it taken down.


@Roblox add this please
would save people’s braincells :slight_smile:


Bump., would be amazing QoL addition to studio.


@Roblox pls pls pls :3‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭