Is it possible to use noise textures using editable image for procedural planets? if so how would i approach it?

so ive seen editableimage and stuff and also editablemesh, i used noise on editablemesh to make 3d random planets but now im wondering about 2d textures that go on a sphere, kind of like blender, is it possible to replicate such a thing, something like these, if so, how would i approach it?

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boost since there has been no response yet

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Yo, I’m kinda late but do you still want to make this?

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yes i do, thanks for responding

I made this using noise , it might be useful to you.
The only thing is that your planet is a sphere, so you will have to make the continents kinda join together once a turn around the planet is done.
But I’m sure you know how to do it if you made it in 3D.

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very nice, thank you!!!

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