Hello! I am curious to know if it’s possible to use ROBLOX seats while in VR. I am new to VR so I’m not sure what’s possible or not.
I tested VR in my game and I was able to get into a vehicle and drive it, with a roblox vehicle seat.
I used the nexus VR module to do this test.
is there a certain button you have to press
my vehicle works with mobile by default with the walk control to go and this worked similarly on the VR controller.
Do you use a certain VR system thats open sourced?
As I said, I was testing VR with the Nexus module. Let me see if i have the link
yeah thats what I was using but didnt seem to work
What didn’t work? could you walk around? Could you do anyting?
I could walk around but when I approached a seat I would stand ontop of it
Yeah, idk then, my car uses a touch to force you into a seat, I don’t remember if random seats like a bench worked right or not. You can try it in my game and see, i have a bench at the spawn:
The Nexus worked OK, kinda qwerky still, I wish there was better native support for VR, like there is for mobile.