I’m currently developing an airport and was wondering if you could wrap a text label around a cylinder.
attached are some pictures, my current solution is to just union some parts together to make a letter
any help would be gladly appreciated
ive looked around the wiki and i havent been able to find my answer
sorry if this was in the wrong category, im new
You can’t wrap a text label around a cylinder. What you can do is instead use a Decal, with the image ID being an image of the letter you want. The letter will probably have to be rotated 90 degrees to get the desired look you’re going for.
Rotating a letter for an image is rather simple and it lets you still use the default Roblox cylinder.
So, yes. You can use a MeshPart, I just don’t really see the point of it myself, especially if it’s going to be the exact same shape as the default Roblox cylinder.