Is it safe for me to store my core code (whole gae framework) in replicated storage?

Is it safe for me to store my core code (whole gae framework) in server storage?
Like, I mean are exploiters able to leak my source code and make exploit from it if its in replicated storage? So should i only keep tables with weapons stats, classes informations, killstreak awards on replicated storage and rest of the systems (ToolsSystem wich have functions to effectively give tools faster etc.) that client dont need acces to o server script service?
Its my first system I just dont want it do be so easy to leak and i dont have much expirance with modules i use them first time rn but test stuff works well so now I have to tae care of safety.

ServerStorage is a server-sided service meaning that only the server can access it. Any code stored in ServerStorage cannot be accessed or leaked by clients, even if they are exploiting.

Yes, anything in ReplicatedStorage is visible to the client therefore exploiters are able to access and leak the code stored here. This is why you shouldn’t store things in ReplicatedStorage that you don’t want players to be able to access, such as private keys or server-sided functions.

If only the server needs to access the code, it’s safer and recommended to store the code on the server. If the client needs to access it too, ReplicatedStorage is there for that purpose.

So stats in replicated storage (client can see it its nothing bad) but the rest (functions, passwords etc.) on server wich mean i should use 2 frameworks 1 for client and other for server only stuff (i mean i could make wtats serversided too but there is no point of doing 2 copies on it 1 on server and 1 on client)?
Also where to store the animations and sounds (these 2 can be seen with no causing anything bad but im not sure)

Its highly recommended to keep stuff away from the client if its your core stuff, if an exploiter decides to download your game all they need is those keys to replace on their own and they have the entire game to sell off to others since you had everything out in the public aka repstorage. Now this doesn’t appy to Scripts just ModuleScripts & LocalScripts.

Wdym by “it doesnt apply”
The words limit…

NO it’s not really ever safe to put something important in replicated storage as hackers can just look in there and steal all the scripts/edit them locally or figure out how to abuse them

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So ima just store whole system in script service and replicate stats olny cause only this is needed for stats in shop gui, rest gonna be on server