Is it safe? gives all weapons from serverstorage to all players at the same time

Hi, there are 9 weapons in ServerStorage and all of them are made of MeshPart, so is it safe if all weapons from ServerStorage are given to all players at the same time? will it cause problems with Game Performance? or make the Server lag?
Screenshot (33)
For example, there are 20 players playing in the game using mobile phones so every 8 minutes all players will get Gun1 from ServerStorage at the same time and the next 8 minutes all players will get Gun2 from ServerStorage at the same time…

I hope I got an answer, I want to put a lot of guns on ServerStorage because some people say it’s not safe to put guns in ReplicatedStorage.

You can put the guns in either ServerStorage or ReplicatedStorage. It doesn’t really matter as it is your choice. ReplicatedStorage can be accessed by both the client and the server while ServerStorage can only be accessed by the server.

If any exploiters try to delete the guns from ReplicatedStorage, to my knowledge, it would delete only for the exploiter + You can still give the guns to the player with the deleted one still being there.

Correct me if I’m wrong about something.

Oh and in addition, I don’t think any performance will be lost, but you can add a task.wait to delay giving the guns to each player.

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thank you very much for the answer, adding task.wait to delay giving the guns to each player is a very very very good idea!

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