Is it safe to have my block(combat block) client side? [Solved]

I am making a combat game and am planning to have all my attacks server side and my dashes and blocks client side.

In my hitbox I have got a detector(Bool value) that is changed to true when the player is hit. I have made is so the server script in my hitbox invokes the client and asks it if they are currently blocking. The client then invokes the server to tell the hitbox if it is currently able to be attacked.

I want to do this to cater towards higher ping players as in most fighting games, block and parry delay is a major issue on ping. This way I assume it will allow no ping blocks at the expense of a delayed animation on the attacking players screen.

Am I going to run into any issues if I do this for the block, parry and dash?

I’d say to try to handle actions as consistently as possible. I think players might find the discrepancy between certain actions feeling delayed and some being instant pretty awkward.

I recommend you do what a lot of other games do and accept that ping will be an issue for anything that requires fast actions/responses and manage your actions serverside.

If you do insist on trying to help out higher-ping players, try to make blocks and parries function client-side anyway and see how it plays.

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I think I will try it out. It might make fighting high ping players a bit annoying but most people are low ping so it shouldn’t have any effect one gameplay when two low ping players fight each other if I am right. Correct me if I am wrong. I just wanted to post this to make sure nothing will go massively wrong before I code the entire thing.

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