Is it worth making developer product icons?

Just wanted to know if making developer product icons are worth it. Do you make developer product icons? Do you just find a random image and use that? Is it just as important as gamepass icons? I’m asking this because I’m about to start working on my developer product icons.

Is it worth making developer product icons?
  • Yes
  • No

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Its important to show you put effort in it and makes you look like make better games overall


Hhonestly doesnt matter unless like it has some importance in your game but if they want it bad enough the chances of an image swaying there decision is close to none


If you’re publishing a game/releasing it for the first time, and it doesn’t have much of a community around it yet, then it probably doesn’t matter much.
However, if you want a game to seem professional or it has a large community already then dev product icons are a good touch.


more stimuli more dopamine more purchases more bank

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I have got a dev product with a text icon and it earnt 8k over the past 2 days so it doesnt rleally matter unless you want your game to feel more professional